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5 ways to reduce swelling after a lip filler treatment

Updated: Feb 26, 2020

A little bit of swelling is normal following your lip filler treatment. Its caused by the mild trauma from the injection itself, and usually goes away on its own within a day or two.

However, if the swelling is a little uncomfortable or you are bothered by it, there are some things you can do to minimise the impact a little. Here are five ways to take down the swelling following lip fillers.

1. Use something cold

A cold compress like an ice pack or frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel can do wonders for taking down the swelling. You can apply the cold compress to your lips for 10 – 15 minutes several times a day.

The cold works to slow blood flow to the affected area, leading to reduced swelling and reduction of bruising. Don’t apply ice or anything frozen directly to the lips as it could cause frostbite or a cold burn.

2. Elevate your head

When sleeping, it can help to prop yourself up on more pillows than usual to keep your head in an elevated position. This helps to minimise blood flow to the affected area, reducing swelling and lessening bruising.

Letting gravity do the work is an easy way to manage the swelling you are experiencing. Avoid lying flat and definitely don’t do any head-down yoga positions, for the first few days at least!

3. Use an herbal remedy

Simple herbal remedies can work well on bruises and swelling. In particular, arnica is a great substance to help your body do the healing itself. It’s derived from a flower that grows in the mountains and is well known for being an excellent reliver of aches and bruises. Taking arnica tablets for a couple of days before treatment and continuing for several days afterwards can help you prevent and slow any bruising that might occur.

Another useful remedy to remember is bromelain. This is also a product associated with reduction in swelling and bruising and can be taken for three days before you have your treatment. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory, which is readily available at most health food stores.

4. Skip the gym

After treatment, we can give you a free pass to avoid the gym for at least 48 hours. Vigorous exercise increases blood flow and can exacerbate the problem of swelling and bruising. Similarly, any stretching exercises such as yoga or Pilates is likely to involve some head down positions, which will increase blood flow to your face and make the swelling worse.

If you do want to exercise, we recommend walking only for the first two days. Keep your heart rate under 100 and don’t expose your lips to any extremes of temperature, such as a sauna or steam room.

5. Eat and drink healthy

Stay well hydrated and eat lots of fresh fruit and veg. The more healing help you can give your body, the better and faster it will repair. Avoid salt as much as possible, as this will dehydrate you and could make inflammation worse.

We strongly recommend avoiding alcohol for at least 24 hours post treatment. You will have been asked to avoid alcohol the day before your treatment too, so continue to keep it at bay while you are healing, at least for the first day. Alcohol is a vasodilator, meaning it opens blood vessels up, which can make swelling and bruising much worse.

Although there are plenty of over the counter medicines which claim to reduce swelling, you should avoid anything that has not been specifically recommended by your practitioner. These include aspirin, ibuprofen and vitamin E; ask at your consultation if you are unsure.

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